Quick & Easy!

14 Jun

Sometimes projects can be tedious.  Sometimes they can be never-ending.  Sometimes projects can drain your will to continue.

This was NOT one of those projects.

My new cookbook stand took all of 3 days to “transform”, but that definitely did not decrease the feeling of satisfaction when it was all done.


{© Go Our Own Way}

…in all it’s gold glory.  Great lines and function, but not feeling the gaudy color.  Now we have…

{© Go Our Own Way}

Again, not a life-altering transformation.  But for a cheap antique store find, plus the can of half-used spray paint I had in my garage already, our newest kitchen accessory is lookin’ good.  What you’re looking at is 3 coats of flat black spray paint + 1 layer of clear spray paint sealant.  Sealant was not really necessary, but I like to use it to increase durability and longevity.

And of course the functionality is great.

{© Go Our Own Way}

By the way, the cookbook above is the best.cookbook.ever.  If you consider yourself a cook, but don’t have the Betty Crocker Cookbook, your life {and kitchen} are incomplete.  Just sayin’.

One more before and after:

{© Go Our Own Way}

I must say, I’m so very happy with the result.  Say it with me — “Spray paint is a game changer.”

One Response to “Quick & Easy!”

  1. alana mae June 19, 2012 at 11:33 am #

    looks good!

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